Message tips

Struggling to find the words?

Don’t worry, just answer as many of these questions as you can to get started. Alternatively, you could use the sample text to help guide your message. But remember to keep it succinct (100 words or less) and remember, you don’t want to give the game away.


Why do they deserve the award?


How did their act of kindness make you feel?


Has it helped anybody else as well?


Include an example about how they’ve made a difference.


Where do you know the person from e.g. work, the neighbourhood, your local pub, etc.


Have they faced their own challenges? If so, it’s worth mentioning those too.

Message examples

Default or Prewritten Message

You’re receiving this award because you deserve it. You may not know it, but the everyday things you say and do have made a huge difference to me. My life – along with many others I’m sure – would be much more difficult without you. So, whatever you do, never change and keep this as a reminder of just how special you are.

Sample message for Compassion

Dan, your compassion for our community deserves recognition. From going out of your way to deliver energy tokens after work to volunteering with Syrian refugees, you never hesitate to offer a hand to those in need. But on a personal level, you’ve always been there for me too – through thick and thin. And although you’ve always had big plans for that spare room, you end up selflessly lending it out to a friend (completely rent-free, of course). Your compassion knows no bounds. So, from me and everyone you’ve helped along the way, cheers Dan – you’re the best.

Sample message for Courage

Emma, to hear you openly sharing your experience on the radio gave all a sense of hope. Because what you went through at school and the adversity you faced puts everything into perspective. You’ve shown us that you can come through the other side – however tough things are. By speaking out you have given us the strength to face our own fears. We’re sure that this will encourage others to do the same and let the next generation know that it’s OK to feel this way. Keep this as a reminder of your courage – we’re forever grateful.

Sample message for Dedication

Gaz, your dedication to the Youth Project is truly amazing. The kids all love you and have learned so much from being around you. The fact that this is a volunteer position and you still come in, whatever the weather or however you’re feeling speaks volumes about just how committed you are. And I know things haven’t always been easier for you either. So, to get over the day-to-day anxiety and force yourself to come in every day is truly admirable. Please take this as a token of our gratitude. No one is more dedicated to making a difference than you.

Sample message for Fun

Jimmy, you never fail to make us laugh. You’ve always been one for dad jokes and now that you are a daddy, it all makes sense. Seriously though, with a friend like you, nobody could ever be down for long. Thanks for bringing the bants – we needed it this year more than ever. Now raise a glass and let’s look forward to the good times ahead. Because you really are the best and brightest mate, and this is a reminder to never change. Here’s to you joker…

Sample message for Inspiration

Carole, you truly are an inspiration – for me and everyone at the Recovery College. Personally, I wouldn’t be here without you. You volunteer your time and never ask for anything in return. And the way you face every day with optimism, despite your own troubles, has given me a newfound hope. I cannot think of another person more deserving of this award than you. So, put it up with pride because YOU ARE SPECIAL!

Sample message for Motivation

Sarah, thanks so much for keeping me motivated. Ask anyone of your trainees and they’ll say the same, you really do get the best out of us. Over the last year or so, I’ve seen a massive change in my body and fitness. But not only that, my confidence and self-esteem have grown and I feel so much more comfortable in my own skin. It’s been a long road with lots of challenges along the way and I really couldn’t have done it without you pushing me that much further every session. Sarah, you really have changed my life.

Sample message for Perseverance

Matt, you’ve persevered through so much this year. Despite everything that’s been thrown in your way, you’ve managed to start a business that’s truly giving back to the world. Sustainability is more important than ever and you’ve put purpose over profit for the greater good. When they said it wouldn’t work, you ploughed on anyway. Nobody’s shown more grit and determination than you have. That’s why you’re worthy of this recognition.

Sample message for Positivity

Antonio, you’re a breath of fresh air and the light that brightens up everyone around you. Whether it’s in person or via video, one flash of that smile is enough to make me feel good about the world again. And, like many, I really needed that recently. This world would be a darker place without you, my friend. You face adversity with optimism and nothing gets you down. It’s infectious! That’s why you’re always surrounded by such positive energy. If you ever need a boost yourself, just use this as a reminder!

Sample message for Strength

Esther, you deserve to know just how strong you are. So that’s why I’m awarding you this gratificate of strength – it’s the least I could do. And it’s not just me! You have been a source of strength for everyone you’ve come in contact with. When I was down, you were there to build me back up again. Supporting me and so many others during those long nights on the ward. I’m truly grateful for everything you do. Honestly, I’ll never forget it. Stay as strong and kind as you are.

Sample message for Support

Jane, you know more than anyone else how much I struggled last year. And without your continual support, I never would have got through it. You would always check-in and ask how things were going. The little things you do; those endless cups of tea and pep talks in the kitchen; made such a huge difference. But not only that, however busy work was, you always told me to put my own health and wellbeing first. And it isn’t just me though; you are there for everybody around you. Ever need anything in return? Please know that we’re here.